Thursday, October 30, 2008

And then there were 14!!!!!!!!

Well here they are and here is the rest of the story.

Our sweet innocent dog Lexi became impregnated with the town mutt. A discrace I know however we still love her!

Here's sweet # 1 Buddy named him spot.

Then came two aren't they cute they look like their mommy thank goodnes!

Then four.....

Then Seven......... not done yet....

Then 11 and I thought for sure we were done so at 11:30 I went to bed after a grouling day being Grandma. Lexi did a great job she was so tired that the she could hardly get the 11th one out without help so I thought "there's no way she could have more right?" Wrong.. this morning we started cleaning up the mess and moving puppies and as we did there was 14 total she had 3 more after I had gone to bed! What a good Mom she is and I was so proud her and can't believe that she had the strength to do it!! Good job lexi!!


Cristina Fritzsche said...

This is Cristina Trevor's brother's wife...congrats to Lexi! That has to be some sort of record 14 puppies! Our Dog Jack is mad at Lexi since they were Lovers at one time.

Megan said...

Aw! I love it! They are so cute! Have fun chasing 15 dogs around the house! LOVE YA!!

Misty said...

Can you say puppy, puppy, puppy!!! They are adorable. My girls want puppies soooo bad. We hesitate because we are too busy but I'm sure we'll give in sometime, we always do.

The Swapp Fam said...

Wow! Yeah you're definitely not bringing them down to me. They have a city ordinance here, you can only have 3 dogs and to bad for you I have already met that limit. Have FUN!!